-- | Compiling abstract syntax trees into 'MOO' computations
module MOO.Compiler ( compile, evaluate ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, when, unless, void, join, (<=<))
import Control.Monad.Cont (callCC)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks, local)
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM

import MOO.AST
import MOO.Builtins
import MOO.Object
import MOO.Task
import MOO.Types

import qualified MOO.List as Lst
import qualified MOO.String as Str

-- | Compile a complete MOO program into a computation in the 'MOO' monad that
-- returns whatever the MOO program returns.
compile :: Program -> MOO Value
compile (Program stmts) = callCC $ compileStatements stmts

compileStatements :: [Statement] -> (Value -> MOO Value) -> MOO Value
compileStatements (statement:rest) yield = case statement of
  Expression lineNo expr ->
    setLineNumber lineNo >> evaluate expr >> compile' rest

  If lineNo cond (Then thens) elseIfs (Else elses) -> runTick >> do
    compileIf ((lineNo, cond, thens) : map elseIf elseIfs) elses
    compile' rest

    where elseIf :: ElseIf -> (LineNo, Expr, [Statement])
          elseIf (ElseIf lineNo cond thens) = (lineNo, cond, thens)

          compileIf :: [(LineNo, Expr, [Statement])] -> [Statement] -> MOO Value
          compileIf ((lineNo,cond,thens):conds) elses = do
            setLineNumber lineNo
            cond' <- evaluate cond
            if truthOf cond' then compile' thens
              else compileIf conds elses
          compileIf [] elses = compile' elses

  ForList lineNo var expr body -> do
    handleDebug $ do
      setLineNumber lineNo
      elts <- getList =<< evaluate expr

      callCC $ \break -> do
        pushLoopContext (Just var) (Continuation break)
        loop var elts (compile' body)
      return zero

    compile' rest

    where loop :: Id -> [Value] -> MOO a -> MOO ()
          loop var elts body = forM_ elts $ \elt -> runTick >> do
            storeVariable var elt
            callCC $ \k -> setLoopContinue (Continuation k) >> void body

  ForRange lineNo var (start, end) body -> do
    handleDebug $ do
      setLineNumber lineNo
      start' <- evaluate start
      end'   <- evaluate end
      (ty, s, e) <- case (start', end') of
        (Int s, Int e) -> return (Int . fromInteger, toInteger s, toInteger e)
        (Obj s, Obj e) -> return (Obj . fromInteger, toInteger s, toInteger e)
        (_    , _    ) -> raise E_TYPE

      callCC $ \break -> do
        pushLoopContext (Just var) (Continuation break)
        loop var ty s e (compile' body)
      return zero

    compile' rest

    where loop :: Id -> (Integer -> Value) -> Integer -> Integer -> MOO a ->
                  MOO ()
          loop var ty start end body = forM_ [start..end] $ \i -> runTick >> do
            storeVariable var (ty i)
            callCC $ \k -> setLoopContinue (Continuation k) >> void body

  While lineNo var expr body -> do
    callCC $ \break -> do
      pushLoopContext var (Continuation break)
      loop lineNo var (evaluate expr) (compile' body)

    compile' rest

    where loop :: LineNo -> Maybe Id -> MOO Value -> MOO a -> MOO ()
          loop lineNo var expr body = runTick >> do
            setLineNumber lineNo
            expr' <- expr
            maybe return storeVariable var expr'
            when (truthOf expr') $ do
              callCC $ \k -> setLoopContinue (Continuation k) >> void body
              loop lineNo var expr body

  Fork lineNo var delay body -> runTick >> do
    handleDebug $ do
      setLineNumber lineNo
      usecs <- getDelay =<< evaluate delay


      world <- getWorld
      gen <- newRandomGen
      let taskId = newTaskId world gen
      maybe return storeVariable var (Int $ fromIntegral taskId)

      forkTask taskId usecs (compileStatements body return)
      return zero

    compile' rest

  Break    name -> breakLoop    name
  Continue name -> continueLoop name

  Return _       Nothing    -> runTick >> yield zero
  Return lineNo (Just expr) -> runTick >> do
    setLineNumber lineNo
    yield =<< evaluate expr

  TryExcept body excepts -> runTick >> do
    excepts' <- mapM compileExcept excepts

    compile' body `catchException` dispatch excepts'
    compile' rest

    where compileExcept :: Except -> MOO (Maybe [Value], Maybe Id, MOO Value)
          compileExcept (Except lineNo var codes handler) = do
            codes' <- case codes of
              ANY        -> return Nothing
              Codes args -> setLineNumber lineNo >> Just <$> expand args
            return (codes', var, compile' handler)

          dispatch :: [(Maybe [Value], Maybe Id, MOO Value)] -> Exception ->
                      MOO Value
          dispatch ((codes, var, handler):next) except@Exception {
              exceptionCode      = code
            , exceptionMessage   = message
            , exceptionValue     = value
            , exceptionCallStack = Stack errorFrames
            | maybe True (code `elem`) codes = do
                Stack currentFrames <- gets stack
                let traceback = formatFrames True $ take stackLen errorFrames
                    stackLen  = length errorFrames - length currentFrames + 1
                    errorInfo = fromList [code, Str message, value, traceback]
                maybe return storeVariable var errorInfo
            | otherwise = dispatch next except
          dispatch [] except = passException except

  TryFinally body (Finally finally) -> runTick >> do
    let finally' = compile' finally
    pushTryFinallyContext finally'

    compile' body `catchException` \except ->
      popContext >> finally' >> passException except


    compile' rest

  where compile' :: [Statement] -> MOO Value
        compile' ss = compileStatements ss yield

compileStatements [] _ = return zero

-- | Compile a MOO expression into a computation in the 'MOO' monad. If a MOO
-- exception is raised and the current verb frame's debug bit is not set,
-- return the error code as a MOO value rather than propagating the exception.
evaluate :: Expr -> MOO Value
evaluate (Literal value) = return value
evaluate expr@Variable{} = handleDebug $ fetch (lValue expr)
evaluate expr = runTick >>= \_ -> handleDebug $ case expr of
  List args -> fromList <$> expand args

  PropertyRef{} -> fetch (lValue expr)

  Assign what expr -> evaluate expr >>= store (lValue what)

  Scatter items expr -> evaluate expr >>= usingList (scatterAssign items)

  VerbCall target vname args -> do
    target' <- evaluate target
    vname'  <- evaluate vname
    args'   <- expand args

    (oid, name) <- case (target', vname') of
      (Obj oid, Str name) -> return (oid, name)
      (_      , _       ) -> raise E_TYPE

    callVerb oid oid name args'

  BuiltinFunc func args -> expand args >>= callBuiltin func

  x `Plus`   y -> binary plus   x y
  x `Minus`  y -> binary minus  x y
  x `Times`  y -> binary times  x y
  x `Divide` y -> binary divide x y
  x `Remain` y -> binary remain x y
  x `Power`  y -> binary power  x y

  Negate x -> evaluate x >>= \x' -> case x' of
    Int n -> return (Int $ negate n)
    Flt n -> return (Flt $ negate n)
    _     -> raise E_TYPE

  Conditional cond x y ->
    evaluate cond >>= \cond' -> evaluate $ if truthOf cond' then x else y

  x `And` y -> evaluate x >>= \v -> if truthOf v then evaluate y else return   v
  x `Or`  y -> evaluate x >>= \v -> if truthOf v then return   v else evaluate y

  Not x -> truthValue . not . truthOf <$> evaluate x

  x `CompareEQ` y -> equality   (==) x y
  x `CompareNE` y -> equality   (/=) x y
  x `CompareLT` y -> comparison (<)  x y
  x `CompareLE` y -> comparison (<=) x y
  x `CompareGT` y -> comparison (>)  x y
  x `CompareGE` y -> comparison (>=) x y

  Index{} -> fetch (lValue expr)
  Range{} -> fetch (lValue expr)

  Length -> join (asks indexLength)

  item `In` list -> do
    elt <- evaluate item
    evaluate list >>= usingList
      (return . Int . maybe 0 (fromIntegral . succ) . Lst.elemIndex elt)

  Catch expr codes (Default dv) -> do
    codes' <- case codes of
      ANY        -> return Nothing
      Codes args -> Just <$> expand args
    let handler except@Exception { exceptionCode = code }
          | maybe True (code `elem`) codes' = maybe (return code) evaluate dv
          | otherwise                       = passException except
    evaluate expr `catchException` handler

  where binary :: (Value -> Value -> MOO Value) -> Expr -> Expr -> MOO Value
        binary op x y = evaluate x >>= \x' -> evaluate y >>= \y' -> x' `op` y'
        -- binary op x y = join $ op <$> evaluate x <*> evaluate y

        equality :: (Value -> Value -> Bool) -> Expr -> Expr -> MOO Value
        equality op = binary test
          where test x y = return $ truthValue (x `op` y)

        comparison :: (Value -> Value -> Bool) -> Expr -> Expr -> MOO Value
        comparison op = binary test
          where test x y | comparable x y = return $ truthValue (x `op` y)
                         | otherwise      = raise E_TYPE

fetchVariable :: Id -> MOO Value
fetchVariable var =
  maybe (raise E_VARNF) return . HM.lookup var =<< frame variables

storeVariable :: Id -> Value -> MOO Value
storeVariable var value = do
  modifyFrame $ \frame ->
    frame { variables = HM.insert var value (variables frame) }
  return value

fetchProperty :: (ObjT, StrT) -> MOO Value
fetchProperty (oid, name) = do
  obj <- maybe (raise E_INVIND) return =<< getObject oid
  maybe (search False obj) (handleBuiltin obj) $ builtinProperty name

  where search :: Bool -> Object -> MOO Value
        search skipPermCheck obj = do
          prop <- getProperty obj name
          unless (skipPermCheck || propertyPermR prop) $
            checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)
          case propertyValue prop of
            Just value -> return value
            Nothing    -> do
              parentObj <- maybe (return Nothing) getObject (objectParent obj)
              maybe (error $ "No inherited value for property " ++
                     Str.toString name) (search True) parentObj

        handleBuiltin :: Object -> (Object -> Value) -> MOO Value
        handleBuiltin obj prop = checkProtectedProperty (toId name) >>
                                 return (prop obj)

storeProperty :: (ObjT, StrT) -> Value -> MOO Value
storeProperty (oid, name) value = do
  obj <- maybe (raise E_INVIND) return =<< getObject oid
  if isBuiltinProperty name
    then checkProtectedProperty (toId name) >>
         setBuiltinProperty (oid, obj) name value
    else modifyProperty obj name $ \prop -> do
      unless (propertyPermW prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)
      return prop { propertyValue = Just value }
  return value

withIndexLength :: Value -> MOO a -> MOO a
withIndexLength value = local $ \env -> env { indexLength = valueLength }
  where valueLength :: MOO Value
        valueLength = Int . fromIntegral <$> case value of
          Lst v -> return (Lst.length v)
          Str t -> return (Str.length t)
          _     -> raise E_TYPE

usingList :: (LstT -> MOO a) -> Value -> MOO a
usingList f (Lst v) = f v
usingList _  _      = raise E_TYPE

getList :: Value -> MOO [Value]
getList = usingList (return . Lst.toList)

getIndex :: Value -> MOO Int
getIndex (Int i) = return (fromIntegral i)
getIndex  _      = raise E_TYPE

checkLstRange :: LstT -> Int -> MOO ()
checkLstRange v i = when (i < 1 || i > Lst.length v) $ raise E_RANGE

checkStrRange :: StrT -> Int -> MOO ()
checkStrRange t i = when (i < 1 || t `Str.compareLength` i == LT) $
                    raise E_RANGE

data LValue = LValue {
    fetch  :: MOO Value
  , store  :: Value -> MOO Value
  , change :: MOO (Value, Value -> MOO Value)

lValue :: Expr -> LValue

lValue (Variable var) = LValue fetch store change
  where fetch  = fetchVariable var
        store  = storeVariable var
        change = fetch >>= \value -> return (value, store)

lValue (PropertyRef objExpr nameExpr) = LValue fetch store change
  where fetch       = getRefs >>= fetchProperty
        store value = getRefs >>= flip storeProperty value

        change = do
          refs <- getRefs
          value <- fetchProperty refs
          return (value, storeProperty refs)

        getRefs :: MOO (ObjT, StrT)
        getRefs = do
          objRef  <- evaluate objExpr
          nameRef <- evaluate nameExpr
          case (objRef, nameRef) of
            (Obj oid, Str name) -> return (oid, name)
            _                   -> raise E_TYPE

lValue (expr `Index` index) = LValue fetchIndex storeIndex changeIndex
  where fetchIndex = fst <$> changeIndex

        storeIndex newValue = do
          (_, change) <- getLens
          change newValue
          return newValue

        changeIndex :: MOO (Value, Value -> MOO Value)
        changeIndex = getLens >>= \(maybeValue, setValue) -> case maybeValue of
          Just value -> return (value, setValue)
          Nothing    -> raise E_RANGE

        getLens :: MOO (Maybe Value, Value -> MOO Value)
        getLens = do
          (value, changeExpr) <- change (lValue expr)
          index' <- withIndexLength value (evaluate index)
          case index' of
            Int i -> getIntLens value (fromIntegral i) changeExpr
            Str k -> getStrLens value               k  changeExpr
            _     -> raise E_TYPE

        getIntLens :: Value -> Int -> (Value -> MOO Value) ->
                      MOO (Maybe Value, Value -> MOO Value)
        getIntLens value index' changeExpr = do
          let i = index' - 1 :: Int
          value' <- case value of
            Lst v -> checkLstRange v index' >> return (v Lst.! i)
            Str t -> checkStrRange t index' >> return (Str $ Str.singleton $
                                                       t `Str.index` i)
            _     -> raise E_TYPE
          return (Just value', changeValue value i changeExpr)

          where changeValue :: Value -> Int -> (Value -> MOO Value) ->
                               Value -> MOO Value
                changeValue (Lst v) i changeExpr newValue =
                  changeExpr $ Lst $ Lst.set v newValue i
                changeValue (Str t) i changeExpr (Str c) = do
                  when (c `Str.compareLength` 1 /= EQ) $ raise E_INVARG
                  let (s, r) = Str.splitAt i t :: (StrT, StrT)
                  changeExpr $ Str $ Str.concat [s, c, Str.tail r]
                changeValue _ _ _ _ = raise E_TYPE

        getStrLens :: Value -> StrT -> (Value -> MOO Value) ->
                      MOO (Maybe Value, Value -> MOO Value)
        getStrLens (Lst lst) key changeExpr = case Lst.assocLens key lst of
          Just (maybeValue, changeList) ->
            return (maybeValue, changeExpr . Lst . changeList . Just)
          Nothing -> raise E_INVIND
        getStrLens _ _ _ = raise E_TYPE

lValue (expr `Range` (start, end)) = LValue fetchRange storeRange changeRange
  where fetchRange = do
          value <- fetch (lValue expr)
          (start', end') <- getIndices value
          if start' > end'
            then case value of
              Lst{} -> return emptyList
              Str{} -> return emptyString
              _     -> raise E_TYPE
            else let len = end' - start' + 1 in case value of
              Lst v -> do checkLstRange v start' >> checkLstRange v end'
                          return $ Lst $ Lst.slice (start' - 1) len v
              Str t -> do checkStrRange t start' >> checkStrRange t end'
                          return $ Str $ Str.take len $ Str.drop (start' - 1) t
              _     -> raise E_TYPE

        storeRange newValue = do
          (value, changeExpr) <- change (lValue expr)
          startEnd <- getIndices value
          changeValue value startEnd changeExpr newValue
          return newValue

        changeRange = error "Illegal Range as lvalue subexpression"

        getIndices :: Value -> MOO (Int, Int)
        getIndices value = withIndexLength value $
                           (,) <$> (evaluate start >>= getIndex)
                               <*> (evaluate end   >>= getIndex)

        changeValue :: Value -> (Int, Int) -> (Value -> MOO a) -> Value -> MOO a
        changeValue (Lst v) (start, end) changeExpr (Lst r) = do
          let len = Lst.length v :: Int
          when (end < 0 || start > len + 1) $ raise E_RANGE
          let pre  = sublist v 1 (start - 1) :: LstT
              post = sublist v (end + 1) len :: LstT
              sublist :: LstT -> Int -> Int -> LstT
              sublist v s e
                | e < s     = Lst.empty
                | otherwise = Lst.slice (s - 1) (e - s + 1) v
          changeExpr $ Lst $ Lst.concat [pre, r, post]
        changeValue (Str t) (start, end) changeExpr (Str r) = do
          when (end < 0 || t `Str.compareLength` (start - 1) == LT) $
            raise E_RANGE
          let pre  = substr t 1 (start - 1)            :: StrT
              post = substr t (end + 1) (Str.length t) :: StrT
              substr :: StrT -> Int -> Int -> StrT
              substr t s e
                | e < s     = Str.empty
                | otherwise = Str.take (e - s + 1) $ Str.drop (s - 1) t
          changeExpr $ Str $ Str.concat [pre, r, post]
        changeValue _ _ _ _ = raise E_TYPE

lValue expr = LValue fetch store change
  where fetch   = evaluate expr
        store _ = error "Unmodifiable LValue"
        change  = fetch >>= \value -> return (value, store)

scatterAssign :: [ScatterItem] -> LstT -> MOO Value
scatterAssign items args = do
  when (nargs < nreqs || (not haveRest && nargs > ntarg)) $ raise E_ARGS
  walk items args (nargs - nreqs)
  return (Lst args)

  where nargs = Lst.length args      :: Int
        nreqs = count required items :: Int
        nopts = count optional items :: Int
        ntarg = nreqs + nopts        :: Int
        nrest = if haveRest && nargs >= ntarg then nargs - ntarg else 0 :: Int

        count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
        count p = length . filter p

        haveRest = any rest items :: Bool

        required, optional, rest :: ScatterItem -> Bool
        required ScatRequired{} = True
        required _              = False
        optional ScatOptional{} = True
        optional _              = False
        rest     ScatRest{}     = True
        rest     _              = False

        walk :: [ScatterItem] -> LstT -> Int -> MOO ()
        walk (item:items) args noptAvail = case item of
          ScatRequired var -> do
            storeVariable var (Lst.head args)
            walk items (Lst.tail args) noptAvail
          ScatOptional var opt
            | noptAvail > 0 -> do
                storeVariable var (Lst.head args)
                walk items (Lst.tail args) (pred noptAvail)
            | otherwise -> do
                maybe (return zero) (storeVariable var <=< evaluate) opt
                walk items args noptAvail
          ScatRest var -> do
            let (s, r) = Lst.splitAt nrest args :: (LstT, LstT)
            storeVariable var (Lst s)
            walk items r noptAvail
        walk [] _ _ = return ()

expand :: [Argument] -> MOO [Value]
expand (x:xs) = case x of
  ArgNormal expr -> (:)  <$>  evaluate expr              <*> expand xs
  ArgSplice expr -> (++) <$> (evaluate expr >>= getList) <*> expand xs
expand [] = return []

plus :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Int x `plus` Int y = return $ Int (x +  y)
Flt x `plus` Flt y = checkFloat   (x +  y)
Str x `plus` Str y = return $ Str (x <> y)
_     `plus` _     = raise E_TYPE

minus :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Int x `minus` Int y = return $ Int (x - y)
Flt x `minus` Flt y = checkFloat   (x - y)
_     `minus` _     = raise E_TYPE

times :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Int x `times` Int y = return $ Int (x * y)
Flt x `times` Flt y = checkFloat   (x * y)
_     `times` _     = raise E_TYPE

divide :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Int _ `divide` Int   0 = raise E_DIV
Int x `divide` Int (-1)
  | x == minBound      = return $ Int  x  -- avoid arithmetic overflow exception
Int x `divide` Int   y = return $ Int (x `quot` y)
Flt _ `divide` Flt   0 = raise E_DIV
Flt x `divide` Flt   y = checkFloat   (x / y)
_     `divide` _       = raise E_TYPE

remain :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Int _ `remain` Int 0 = raise E_DIV
Int x `remain` Int y = return $ Int (x `rem`  y)
Flt _ `remain` Flt 0 = raise E_DIV
Flt x `remain` Flt y = checkFloat   (x `fmod` y)
_     `remain` _     = raise E_TYPE

fmod :: FltT -> FltT -> FltT
x `fmod` y = x - y * fromInteger (truncate $ x / y)

power :: Value -> Value -> MOO Value
Flt   x  `power` Flt y             = checkFloat   (x ** y)
Flt   x  `power` Int y             = checkFloat   (x ^^ y)
Int   x  `power` Int y | y >= 0    = return $ Int (x ^  y)
--                     | y <  0 ...
Int   0  `power` Int _             = raise E_DIV
Int   1  `power` Int _             = return $ Int   1
Int (-1) `power` Int y | even y    = return $ Int   1
                       | otherwise = return $ Int (-1)
Int   _  `power` Int _             = return $ Int   0
_        `power` _                 = raise E_TYPE