module MOO.Command (
, parseWords
, parseCommand
, runCommand
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, foldM)
import Data.Char (isSpace, isDigit)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend, mconcat), First(First, getFirst))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Parsec (parse, try, many, many1, char, anyChar, noneOf, spaces,
satisfy, between, eof, (<|>))
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import MOO.Connection
import MOO.Object
import MOO.Task
import MOO.Types
import MOO.Verb
import qualified MOO.List as Lst
import qualified MOO.String as Str
commandWord :: Parser Text
commandWord = do
word <- many1 wordChar
return (T.concat word)
where wordChar = T.singleton <$> satisfy nonspecial <|>
T.pack <$> quotedChars <|>
T.singleton <$> backslashChar <|>
nonspecial '\"' = False
nonspecial '\\' = False
nonspecial c = not $ isSpace c
quotedChars = between (char '"') quoteEnd $
many (noneOf "\"\\" <|> backslashChar)
quoteEnd = void (char '"') <|> eof <|> void trailingBackslash
backslashChar = try (char '\\' >> anyChar)
trailingBackslash = try (char '\\' >> eof) >> return ""
commandWords :: Parser [Text]
commandWords = between spaces eof $ many commandWord
builtinCommand :: Parser Text
builtinCommand = say <|> emote <|> eval
where say = char '\"' >> return "say"
emote = char ':' >> return "emote"
eval = char ';' >> return "eval"
command :: Parser (Text, Text)
command = between spaces eof $ do
verb <- builtinCommand <|> commandWord <|> return ""
argstr <- T.pack <$> many anyChar
return (verb, argstr)
matchPrep :: [StrT] -> (StrT, (PrepSpec, StrT), StrT)
matchPrep = matchPrep' id prepPhrases
where matchPrep' dobj _ [] = (Str.unwords $ dobj [], (PrepNone, ""), "")
matchPrep' dobj ((spec,phrase):phrases) args
| phrase == argsPhrase =
(Str.unwords $ dobj [], (spec, Str.unwords argsPhrase),
Str.unwords iobj)
| otherwise = matchPrep' dobj phrases args
where (argsPhrase, iobj) = splitAt (length phrase) args
matchPrep' dobj [] (arg:args) =
matchPrep' (dobj . (arg :)) prepPhrases args
data Command = Command {
commandVerb :: StrT
, commandArgs :: [StrT]
, commandArgStr :: StrT
, commandDObjStr :: StrT
, commandPrepSpec :: PrepSpec
, commandPrepStr :: StrT
, commandIObjStr :: StrT
parseWords :: Text -> [StrT]
parseWords argstr = map Str.fromText args
where Right args = parse commandWords "" argstr
parseCommand :: Text -> Command
parseCommand cmd = Command {
commandVerb = Str.fromText verb
, commandArgs = args
, commandArgStr = Str.fromText argstr
, commandDObjStr = dobjstr
, commandPrepSpec = prepSpec
, commandPrepStr = prepstr
, commandIObjStr = iobjstr
where Right (verb, argstr) = parse command "" cmd
args = parseWords argstr
(dobjstr, (prepSpec, prepstr), iobjstr) = matchPrep args
objectNumber :: Parser ObjId
objectNumber = fmap read $ between (char '#') eof $ many1 (satisfy isDigit)
matchObject :: ObjId -> StrT -> MOO ObjId
matchObject player str
| Str.null str = return nothing
| otherwise = case parse objectNumber "" (Str.toText str) of
Right oid -> do
obj <- getObject oid
case obj of
Just _ -> return oid
Nothing -> matchObject' player str
Left _ -> matchObject' player str
where matchObject' :: ObjId -> StrT -> MOO ObjId
matchObject' player str = case str of
"me" -> return player
"here" -> maybe nothing (objectForMaybe . objectLocation) <$>
getObject player
_ -> do
maybePlayer <- getObject player
case maybePlayer of
Nothing -> return failedMatch
Just player' -> do
let holding = objectContents player'
maybeRoom = objectLocation player'
roomContents <-
maybe (return IS.empty)
(fmap (maybe IS.empty objectContents) . getObject)
matchName str $ IS.toList (holding `IS.union` roomContents)
matchName :: StrT -> [ObjId] -> MOO ObjId
matchName str = fmap (uncurry matchResult) .
foldM (matchName' str) ([], [])
matchName' :: StrT -> ([ObjId], [ObjId]) -> ObjId ->
MOO ([ObjId], [ObjId])
matchName' str matches@(exact, prefix) oid = do
maybeAliases <- readProperty oid "aliases"
maybeObj <- getObject oid
let aliases = case maybeAliases of
Just (Lst v) -> Lst.toList v
_ -> []
names = maybe id ((:) . Str . objectName) maybeObj aliases
return $ case searchNames str names of
ExactMatch -> (oid : exact, prefix)
PrefixMatch -> (exact, oid : prefix)
NoMatch -> matches
matchResult :: [ObjId] -> [ObjId] -> ObjId
matchResult [oid] _ = oid
matchResult [] [oid] = oid
matchResult [] [] = failedMatch
matchResult _ _ = ambiguousMatch
searchNames :: StrT -> [Value] -> Match
searchNames str = mconcat . map (nameMatch str)
nameMatch :: StrT -> Value -> Match
nameMatch str (Str name)
| str == name = ExactMatch
| str `Str.isPrefixOf` name = PrefixMatch
nameMatch _ _ = NoMatch
data Match = NoMatch | PrefixMatch | ExactMatch
instance Monoid Match where
mempty = NoMatch
NoMatch `mappend` match = match
_ `mappend` ExactMatch = ExactMatch
match `mappend` _ = match
runCommand :: Command -> MOO Value
runCommand Command { commandVerb = "" } = return zero
runCommand command = do
player <- getPlayer
dobj <- matchObject player (commandDObjStr command)
iobj <- matchObject player (commandIObjStr command)
room <- objectForMaybe . (objectLocation =<<) <$> getObject player
maybeVerb <- getFirst . mconcat . map First <$>
mapM (locateVerb dobj iobj) [player, room, dobj, iobj]
case maybeVerb of
Just (this, spec) -> callCommandVerb player spec this command dobj iobj
Nothing -> findVerb verbPermX "huh" room >>= \found -> case found of
(Just verbLoc, Just verb) ->
callCommandVerb player (verbLoc, verb) room command dobj iobj
_ -> notify player "I couldn't understand that." >> return zero
where locateVerb :: ObjId -> ObjId -> ObjId ->
MOO (Maybe (ObjId, (ObjId, Verb)))
locateVerb dobj iobj this =
let acceptable verb =
objMatch this (verbDirectObject verb) dobj &&
objMatch this (verbIndirectObject verb) iobj &&
prepMatch (verbPreposition verb) (commandPrepSpec command)
in findVerb acceptable (commandVerb command) this >>= \found ->
case found of
(Just verbLoc, Just verb) -> return $ Just (this, (verbLoc, verb))
_ -> return Nothing