{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module MOO.Builtins.Objects ( builtins ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (when, unless, void, forM_, foldM)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import Database.VCache (VTx, PVar, newPVar, readPVar, writePVar)
import Prelude hiding (getContents)

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB

import MOO.AST
import MOO.Builtins.Common
import MOO.Connection
import MOO.Database
import MOO.Object
import MOO.Parser
import MOO.Task
import MOO.Types
import MOO.Unparser
import MOO.Verb

import qualified MOO.List as Lst
import qualified MOO.String as Str

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}

-- | § 4.4.3 Manipulating Objects
builtins :: [Builtin]
builtins = [
    -- § Fundamental Operations on Objects
  , bf_chparent
  , bf_valid
  , bf_parent
  , bf_children
  , bf_recycle
  , bf_object_bytes
  , bf_max_object

    -- § Object Movement
  , bf_move

    -- § Operations on Properties
  , bf_properties
  , bf_property_info
  , bf_set_property_info
  , bf_add_property
  , bf_delete_property
  , bf_is_clear_property
  , bf_clear_property

    -- § Operations on Verbs
  , bf_verbs
  , bf_verb_info
  , bf_set_verb_info
  , bf_verb_args
  , bf_set_verb_args
  , bf_add_verb
  , bf_delete_verb
  , bf_verb_code
  , bf_set_verb_code
  , bf_disassemble

    -- § Operations on Player Objects
  , bf_players
  , bf_is_player
  , bf_set_player_flag

-- § Fundamental Operations on Objects

modifyQuota :: ObjId -> (IntT -> MOO IntT) -> MOO ()
modifyQuota player f = do
  maybeQuota <- readProperty player ownershipQuota
  case maybeQuota of
    Just (Int quota) -> do
      quota' <- f quota
      writeProperty player ownershipQuota (Int quota')
    _ -> return ()

  where ownershipQuota = "ownership_quota"

bf_create = Builtin "create" 1 (Just 2)
            [TObj, TObj] TObj $ \(Obj parent : optional) -> do
  let (maybeOwner : _) = maybeDefaults optional

  maybeParent <- case parent of
    -1  -> return Nothing
    oid -> checkFertile oid >> return (Just oid)

  db <- getDatabase
  let newOid = maxObject db + 1

  ownerOid <- case maybeOwner of
    Nothing         -> frame permissions
    Just (Obj (-1)) -> checkWizard         >> return newOid
    Just (Obj oid)  -> checkPermission oid >> return oid

  modifyQuota ownerOid $ \quota ->
    if quota <= 0 then raise E_QUOTA else return (quota - 1)

  properties <- case maybeParent of
    Nothing  -> return $ objectProperties initObject
    Just oid -> do
      -- add to parent's set of children
      liftVTx $ modifyObject oid db $ addChild newOid

      -- properties inherited from parent
      Just parent <- getObject oid
      HM.fromList <$> mapM mkProperty (HM.toList $ objectProperties parent)

        where mkProperty :: (StrT, PVar Property) -> MOO (StrT, PVar Property)
              mkProperty (name, propPVar) = liftVTx $ do
                prop <- readPVar propPVar
                let prop' = prop {
                        propertyValue     = Nothing
                      , propertyInherited = True
                      , propertyOwner     = if propertyPermC prop then ownerOid
                                            else propertyOwner prop
                propPVar' <- newPVar prop'
                return (name, propPVar')

  let newObj = initObject {
          objectParent     = maybeParent
        , objectOwner      = ownerOid
        , objectProperties = properties

  putDatabase =<< liftVTx (addObject newObj db)

  callFromFunc "create" 0 (newOid, "initialize") []
  return (Obj newOid)

reparentObject :: (ObjId, Object) -> (ObjId, Maybe Object) -> MOO ()
reparentObject (object, obj) (new_parent, maybeNewParent) = do
  -- Verify that neither object nor any of its descendants defines a property
  -- with the same name as one defined on new_parent or any of its ancestors
  case maybeNewParent of
    Just newParent -> do
      let props = HM.keys (objectProperties newParent)
      flip traverseDescendants object $ \obj -> forM_ props $ \propName -> do
        maybeProp <- liftVTx $ lookupProperty obj propName
        case maybeProp of
          Just prop | not (propertyInherited prop) -> raise E_INVARG
          _ -> return ()
    Nothing -> return ()

  -- Find the nearest ancestor that object and new_parent have in common
  oldAncestors <- ancestors object
  newAncestors <- case maybeNewParent of
    Just _  -> ancestors' new_parent
    Nothing -> return []
  let maybeCommon = findCommon oldAncestors newAncestors
      underCommon ancestors = maybe ancestors prefix maybeCommon
        where prefix common = takeWhile (/= common) ancestors

  -- Remove properties defined by ancestors of object under common, and add
  -- properties defined by new_parent or its ancestors under common
  db <- getDatabase
  oldProperties <- allDefinedProperties (underCommon oldAncestors)
  newProperties <- case maybeNewParent of
    Just newParent ->
      allDefinedProperties (underCommon newAncestors) >>=
      mapM (liftVTx . fmap fromJust . lookupProperty newParent)
    Nothing -> return []

  flip (modifyDescendants db) object $ \obj -> do
    obj' <- foldM (flip deleteProperty) obj oldProperties
    foldM (flip addInheritedProperty) obj' newProperties

  -- Update the parent/child hierarchy
  liftVTx $ modifyObject object db $ \obj ->
    return obj { objectParent = const new_parent <$> maybeNewParent }
  case objectParent obj of
    Just parentOid -> liftVTx $ modifyObject parentOid db $ deleteChild object
    Nothing        -> return ()
  case maybeNewParent of
    Just _  -> liftVTx $ modifyObject new_parent db $ addChild object
    Nothing -> return ()

  where ancestors :: ObjId -> MOO [ObjId]
        ancestors oid = do
          maybeObject <- getObject oid
          maybe (return []) ancestors' $ maybeObject >>= objectParent

        ancestors' :: ObjId -> MOO [ObjId]
        ancestors' oid = (oid :) <$> ancestors oid

        findCommon :: [ObjId] -> [ObjId] -> Maybe ObjId
        findCommon xs ys = findCommon' (reverse xs) (reverse ys) Nothing
          where findCommon' (x:xs) (y:ys) _
                  | x == y = findCommon' xs ys (Just x)
                findCommon' _ _ common = common

        allDefinedProperties :: [ObjId] -> MOO [StrT]
        allDefinedProperties = fmap ($ []) . foldM concatProps id
          where concatProps acc oid = do
                  Just obj <- getObject oid
                  props <- liftVTx $ definedProperties obj
                  return (acc props ++)

bf_chparent = Builtin "chparent" 2 (Just 2)
              [TObj, TObj] TAny $ \[Obj object, Obj new_parent] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  maybeNewParent <- case new_parent of
    -1  -> return Nothing
    oid -> do
      newParent <- checkValid oid
      checkFertile oid
      return (Just newParent)
  checkPermission (objectOwner obj)
  checkRecurrence objectParent object new_parent

  reparentObject (object, obj) (new_parent, maybeNewParent)

  return zero

bf_valid = Builtin "valid" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TInt $ \[Obj object] ->
  truthValue . isJust <$> getObject object

bf_parent = Builtin "parent" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TObj $ \[Obj object] ->
  Obj . getParent <$> checkValid object

bf_children = Builtin "children" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TLst $ \[Obj object] ->
  objectList . getChildren <$> checkValid object

bf_recycle = Builtin "recycle" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TAny $ \[Obj object] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  let owner = objectOwner obj
  checkPermission owner

  callFromFunc "recycle" 0 (object, "recycle") []

  moveContentsToNothing object
  moveToNothing object

  reparentChildren object (objectParent obj)
  reparent object Nothing

  setPlayerFlag True object False
  getDatabase >>= liftVTx . deleteObject object

  modifyQuota owner $ return . (+ 1)

  return zero

  where moveContentsToNothing :: ObjId -> MOO ()
        moveContentsToNothing object = do
          maybeObj <- getObject object
          case getContents <$> maybeObj of
            Just (oid:_) -> do
              moveToNothing oid
              moveContentsToNothing object
            _ -> return ()

        moveToNothing :: ObjId -> MOO ()
        moveToNothing oid = moveObject "recycle" oid nothing

        reparentChildren :: ObjId -> Maybe ObjId -> MOO ()
        reparentChildren object maybeParent = do
          maybeObj <- getObject object
          case getChildren <$> maybeObj of
            Just (oid:_) -> do
              reparent oid maybeParent
              reparentChildren object maybeParent
            _ -> return ()

        reparent :: ObjId -> Maybe ObjId -> MOO ()
        reparent object maybeParent = do
          maybeObj <- getObject object
          case maybeObj of
            Just obj -> do
              newParent <- case maybeParent of
                Just parentOid -> do
                  parent <- getObject parentOid
                  return (parentOid, parent)
                Nothing -> return (nothing, Nothing)
              reparentObject (object, obj) newParent
            Nothing -> return ()

bf_object_bytes = Builtin "object_bytes" 1 (Just 1)
                  [TObj] TInt $ \[Obj object] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object

  propertyBytes <- fmap storageBytes $ liftVTx $
                   mapM readPVar $ HM.elems (objectProperties obj)
  verbBytes     <- fmap storageBytes $ liftVTx $
                   mapM (readPVar . snd) $ objectVerbs obj

  return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ storageBytes obj + propertyBytes + verbBytes

bf_max_object = Builtin "max_object" 0 (Just 0) [] TObj $ \[] ->
  Obj . maxObject <$> getDatabase

-- § Object Movement

moveObject :: StrT -> ObjId -> ObjId -> MOO ()
moveObject funcName what where_ = do
  let newWhere = case where_ of
        -1  -> Nothing
        oid -> Just oid

  maybeWhat <- getObject what
  case maybeWhat of
    Nothing      -> return ()
    Just whatObj -> unless (objectLocation whatObj == newWhere) $ do
      maybeWhere <- getObject where_
      when (isNothing newWhere || isJust maybeWhere) $ do
        checkRecurrence objectLocation what where_

        let oldWhere = objectLocation whatObj
        db <- getDatabase

        liftVTx $ modifyObject what db $ \obj ->
          return obj { objectLocation = newWhere }
        case oldWhere of
          Nothing        -> return ()
          Just oldWhere' -> liftVTx $ modifyObject oldWhere' db $
                            deleteContent what
        case newWhere of
          Nothing        -> return ()
          Just newWhere' -> liftVTx $ modifyObject newWhere' db $
                            addContent what
        case oldWhere of
          Nothing        -> return ()
          Just oldWhere' ->
            void $ callFromFunc funcName 1 (oldWhere', "exitfunc") [Obj what]

        maybeWhat <- getObject what
        case maybeWhat of
          Nothing      -> return ()
          Just whatObj ->
            when (objectLocation whatObj == newWhere) $
            void $ callFromFunc funcName 2 (where_, "enterfunc") [Obj what]

bf_move = Builtin "move" 2 (Just 2)
          [TObj, TObj] TAny $ \[Obj what, Obj where_] -> do
  what' <- checkValid what
  where' <- case where_ of
    -1  -> return Nothing
    oid -> Just <$> checkValid oid
  checkPermission (objectOwner what')

  when (isJust where') $ do
    accepted <- maybe False truthOf <$>
                callFromFunc "move" 0 (where_, "accept") [Obj what]
    unless accepted $ do
      wizard <- isWizard =<< frame permissions
      unless wizard $ raise E_NACC

  moveObject "move" what where_

  return zero

-- § Operations on Properties

bf_properties = Builtin "properties" 1 (Just 1)
                [TObj] TLst $ \[Obj object] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  unless (objectPermR obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)

  stringList <$> liftVTx (definedProperties obj)

bf_property_info = Builtin "property_info" 2 (Just 2)
                   [TObj, TStr] TLst $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  prop <- getProperty obj prop_name
  unless (propertyPermR prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)

  return $ fromList [Obj $ propertyOwner prop, Str $ perms prop]

  where perms prop = Str.fromString $ concat [['r' | propertyPermR prop],
                                              ['w' | propertyPermW prop],
                                              ['c' | propertyPermC prop]]

traverseDescendants :: (Object -> MOO a) -> ObjId -> MOO ()
traverseDescendants f oid = do
  Just obj <- getObject oid
  f obj
  mapM_ (traverseDescendants f) $ getChildren obj

modifyDescendants :: Database -> (Object -> VTx Object) -> ObjId -> MOO ()
modifyDescendants db f oid = do
  liftVTx $ modifyObject oid db f
  Just obj <- getObject oid
  mapM_ (modifyDescendants db f) $ getChildren obj

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use String" :: String) #-}

checkPerms :: [Char] -> StrT -> MOO (Set Char)
checkPerms valid perms = do
  let permSet = S.fromList (T.unpack $ Str.toCaseFold perms)
  unless (S.null $ permSet `S.difference` S.fromList valid) $ raise E_INVARG
  return permSet

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}

bf_set_property_info = Builtin "set_property_info" 3 (Just 3)
                       [TObj, TStr, TLst]
                       TAny $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name, Lst info] -> do
  (owner, perms, new_name) <- case Lst.toList info of
    [Obj owner, Str perms]               -> return (owner, perms, Nothing)
    [_        , _        ]               -> raise E_TYPE
    [Obj owner, Str perms, Str new_name] -> return (owner, perms, Just new_name)
    [_        , _        , _           ] -> raise E_TYPE
    _                                    -> raise E_INVARG
  permSet <- checkPerms "rwc" perms
  checkValid owner

  obj <- checkValid object
  prop <- getProperty obj prop_name
  unless (propertyPermW prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)
  checkPermission owner

  let setInfo = modifyProperty obj prop_name $ \prop ->
        return prop {
            propertyOwner = owner
          , propertyPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet
          , propertyPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet
          , propertyPermC = 'c' `S.member` permSet

  case new_name of
    Nothing      -> setInfo
    Just newName -> do
      let oldName = prop_name

      unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)

      when (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_INVARG
      unless (newName == oldName) $ flip traverseDescendants object $ \obj ->
        when (isJust $ lookupPropertyRef obj newName) $ raise E_INVARG


      db <- getDatabase
      flip (modifyDescendants db) object $ \obj -> do
        let Just propPVar = lookupPropertyRef obj oldName
        prop <- readPVar propPVar
        writePVar propPVar $ prop { propertyName = newName }

        return obj { objectProperties =
                        HM.insert newName propPVar $
                        HM.delete oldName (objectProperties obj) }

  return zero

bf_add_property = Builtin "add_property" 4 (Just 4) [TObj, TStr, TAny, TLst]
                  TAny $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name, value, Lst info] -> do
  (owner, perms) <- case Lst.toList info of
    [Obj owner, Str perms] -> return (owner, perms)
    [_        , _        ] -> raise E_TYPE
    _                      -> raise E_INVARG
  permSet <- checkPerms "rwc" perms
  checkValid owner

  obj <- checkValid object
  unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)
  checkPermission owner

  when (isBuiltinProperty prop_name) $ raise E_INVARG
  flip traverseDescendants object $ \obj ->
    when (isJust $ lookupPropertyRef obj prop_name) $ raise E_INVARG

  let newProperty = initProperty {
          propertyName      = prop_name
        , propertyValue     = Just value
        , propertyInherited = False
        , propertyOwner     = owner
        , propertyPermR     = 'r' `S.member` permSet
        , propertyPermW     = 'w' `S.member` permSet
        , propertyPermC     = 'c' `S.member` permSet

  db <- getDatabase
  liftVTx $ modifyObject object db (addProperty newProperty)
  forM_ (getChildren obj) $
    modifyDescendants db $ addInheritedProperty newProperty

  return zero

bf_delete_property = Builtin "delete_property" 2 (Just 2)
                     [TObj, TStr] TAny $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)
  prop <- getProperty obj prop_name
  when (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_PROPNF

  db <- getDatabase
  flip (modifyDescendants db) object $ \obj ->
    return obj { objectProperties = HM.delete prop_name (objectProperties obj) }

  return zero

bf_is_clear_property = Builtin "is_clear_property" 2 (Just 2)
                       [TObj, TStr] TInt $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  if isBuiltinProperty prop_name
    then return $ truthValue False
    else do
      prop <- getProperty obj prop_name
      unless (propertyPermR prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)

      return (truthValue $ isNothing $ propertyValue prop)

bf_clear_property = Builtin "clear_property" 2 (Just 2)
                    [TObj, TStr] TAny $ \[Obj object, Str prop_name] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  if isBuiltinProperty prop_name
    then raise E_PERM
    else do
      modifyProperty obj prop_name $ \prop -> do
        unless (propertyPermW prop) $ checkPermission (propertyOwner prop)
        unless (propertyInherited prop) $ raise E_INVARG
        return prop { propertyValue = Nothing }

      return zero

-- § Operations on Verbs

bf_verbs = Builtin "verbs" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TLst $ \[Obj object] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  unless (objectPermR obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)

  stringList <$> liftVTx (definedVerbs obj)

bf_verb_info = Builtin "verb_info" 2 (Just 2)
               [TObj, TAny] TLst $ \[Obj object, verb_desc] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  return $ fromList
    [Obj $ verbOwner verb, Str $ perms verb, Str $ verbNames verb]

  where perms verb = Str.fromString $ concat [['r' | verbPermR verb],
                                              ['w' | verbPermW verb],
                                              ['x' | verbPermX verb],
                                              ['d' | verbPermD verb]]

verbInfo :: LstT -> MOO (ObjId, Set Char, StrT)
verbInfo info = do
  (owner, perms, names) <- case Lst.toList info of
    [Obj owner, Str perms, Str names] -> return (owner, perms, names)
    [_        , _        , _        ] -> raise E_TYPE
    _                                 -> raise E_INVARG
  permSet <- checkPerms "rwxd" perms
  checkValid owner
  when (null $ Str.words names) $ raise E_INVARG

  return (owner, permSet, names)

bf_set_verb_info = Builtin "set_verb_info" 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst]
                   TAny $ \[Obj object, verb_desc, Lst info] -> do
  (owner, permSet, names) <- verbInfo info

  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)
  checkPermission owner

  unless (names == verbNames verb || objectPermW obj) $
    checkPermission (objectOwner obj)

  modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb ->
    return verb {
        verbNames = names
      , verbOwner = owner
      , verbPermR = 'r' `S.member` permSet
      , verbPermW = 'w' `S.member` permSet
      , verbPermX = 'x' `S.member` permSet
      , verbPermD = 'd' `S.member` permSet

  return zero

bf_verb_args = Builtin "verb_args" 2 (Just 2)
               [TObj, TAny] TLst $ \[Obj object, verb_desc] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  return $ stringList [dobj verb, prep verb, iobj verb]

  where dobj = obj2string  . verbDirectObject
        iobj = obj2string  . verbIndirectObject
        prep = prep2string . verbPreposition

verbArgs :: LstT -> MOO (ObjSpec, PrepSpec, ObjSpec)
verbArgs args = do
  (dobj, prep, iobj) <- case Lst.toList args of
    [Str dobj, Str prep, Str iobj] -> return (dobj, breakSlash prep, iobj)
      where breakSlash = fst . Str.breakOn "/"
    [_       , _       , _       ] -> raise E_TYPE
    _                              -> raise E_INVARG
  dobj' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ string2obj  dobj
  prep' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ string2prep prep
  iobj' <- maybe (raise E_INVARG) return $ string2obj  iobj

  return (dobj', prep', iobj')

bf_set_verb_args = Builtin "set_verb_args" 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst]
                   TAny $ \[Obj object, verb_desc, Lst args] -> do
  (dobj, prep, iobj) <- verbArgs args

  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb ->
    return verb {
        verbDirectObject   = dobj
      , verbPreposition    = prep
      , verbIndirectObject = iobj

  return zero

bf_add_verb = Builtin "add_verb" 3 (Just 3)
              [TObj, TLst, TLst] TInt $ \[Obj object, Lst info, Lst args] -> do
  (owner, permSet, names) <- verbInfo info
  (dobj, prep, iobj)      <- verbArgs args

  obj <- checkValid object
  unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)
  checkPermission owner

  let definedVerb = initVerb {
          verbNames          = names
        , verbOwner          = owner
        , verbPermR          = 'r' `S.member` permSet
        , verbPermW          = 'w' `S.member` permSet
        , verbPermX          = 'x' `S.member` permSet
        , verbPermD          = 'd' `S.member` permSet
        , verbDirectObject   = dobj
        , verbPreposition    = prep
        , verbIndirectObject = iobj

  db <- getDatabase
  liftVTx $ modifyObject object db $ addVerb definedVerb

  return $ Int $ fromIntegral $ length (objectVerbs obj) + 1

bf_delete_verb = Builtin "delete_verb" 2 (Just 2)
                 [TObj, TAny] TAny $ \[Obj object, verb_desc] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (objectPermW obj) $ checkPermission (objectOwner obj)

  numericStrings <- serverOption supportNumericVerbnameStrings
  case lookupVerbRef numericStrings obj verb_desc of
    Nothing         -> raise E_VERBNF
    Just (index, _) -> do
      db <- getDatabase
      liftVTx $ modifyObject object db $ deleteVerb index

  return zero

bf_verb_code = Builtin "verb_code" 2 (Just 4) [TObj, TAny, TAny, TAny]
               TLst $ \(Obj object : verb_desc : optional) -> do
  let [fully_paren, indent] = booleanDefaults optional [False, True]

  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  let code = init $ Str.splitOn "\n" $ Str.fromText $ TL.toStrict $
             unparse fully_paren indent (verbProgram verb)
  return (stringList code)

bf_set_verb_code = Builtin "set_verb_code" 3 (Just 3) [TObj, TAny, TLst]
                   TLst $ \[Obj object, verb_desc, Lst code] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  text <- builder2text . foldr addLine mempty <$>
          maybe (raise E_TYPE) return (mapM strValue $ Lst.toList code)
  unless (verbPermW verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  case parseProgram text of
    Right program -> do
      modifyVerb (object, obj) verb_desc $ \verb ->
        return verb { verbProgram = program }
      return emptyList
    Left errors -> return $ fromListBy (Str . Str.fromString) errors

  where addLine :: StrT -> Builder -> Builder
        addLine line = mappend (Str.toBuilder line) . mappend newline

        newline = TLB.singleton '\n' :: Builder

bf_disassemble = Builtin "disassemble" 2 (Just 2)
                 [TObj, TAny] TLst $ \[Obj object, verb_desc] -> do
  obj <- checkValid object
  verb <- getVerb obj verb_desc
  unless (verbPermR verb) $ checkPermission (verbOwner verb)

  let Program statements = verbProgram verb
  return $ fromListBy (Str . Str.fromString . show) statements

-- § Operations on Player Objects

bf_players = Builtin "players" 0 (Just 0) [] TLst $ \[] ->
  objectList . allPlayers <$> getDatabase

bf_is_player = Builtin "is_player" 1 (Just 1) [TObj] TInt $ \[Obj object] ->
  truthValue . objectIsPlayer <$> checkValid object

setPlayerFlag :: Bool -> ObjId -> Bool -> MOO ()
setPlayerFlag recycled object isPlayer = do
  db <- getDatabase
  liftVTx $ modifyObject object db $ \obj ->
    return obj { objectIsPlayer = isPlayer }
  putDatabase $ setPlayer isPlayer object db

  unless isPlayer $ bootPlayer' recycled object

bf_set_player_flag = Builtin "set_player_flag" 2 (Just 2)
                     [TObj, TAny] TAny $ \[Obj object, value] -> do
  checkValid object

  setPlayerFlag False object (truthOf value)

  return zero